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150+ Python Interview Questions and Answers For Freshers[ Latest]

150+ Python Interview Questions and Answers For Freshers[ Latest]

Python learners can get help from the Dataflair which will be able to get success in the Python careerIt is an important programming language in the field of software and IT sectorIt is highly in demand nowadaysThose who have skills in the Python language can easily opt a job which includes Python as its main criteriaPython Interview Questions will help the candidate to pass the interview by going through these questions which are mainly for the beginnersListed below the following questions which will be easy for a candidate to pass the interview.

Some Important Python Interview Questions For The Beginners

1Mention The Key Features of Python.

Python Is one of the introductory language to programmingIt’s main features are as follows

  1. This is mainly interpreted.
  2. Dynamically typed
  1. Easy and concise.
  2. Consists of a large community.

2What Is the Time Duration for an Identifier to Be In Python?

According to the official documentation of Python, an identifier can be of any lengthHowever, PEP-8 suggests that one ought to limit all the lines to a maximum of 79 charactersAlso, PEP-20 says “readability count”So a very long identifier can easily violate the PEP-8 and PEP-20The rules that must be followed to name them are:

  1. It should begin either with an underscore or a character from A-Z or a-z.
  2. The rest may contain anything from the following , higher case or digit.

3How Can One Get a List of All the Keys Present in The Dictionary?

This can be done by using the function key ().

4What Is Slicing?

It is a technique which allows to retrive only a part of list or stringFor this, slicing operator [] is used.

5How Do the Programmers Declare a Comment While Working in Python?

Python does not have multiline comment like other languages have for example C++All it has is octothrope (#)Anything which is being followed by a hash is considered as a comment and gets ignored by the interpreter.

6Python Is All the Rage These DaysBut It’s Truly Said That Though It Is a Great Technology It Has Pitfalls as WellDiscuss.

Yes, It is true that one should accept the flaws of PythonThey are as follow

  1. A speed penalty is imposed on it due to its interpreted nature.
  2. It is weak in mobile computing and even in browsers.
  1. Python basically uses duck typing which have run time errors.

7How Can One Check If All the Characters in The String Are Alpha Numeric?

This can be checked by using the method isalnum ().

8How to Capitalize the First Letter of a String?

This can be done by the method capitalize ().

9Define A Block in Python.

We need to define a block of code under any kind of statementsPython does not support curly bracketsThe statement must end with colon and it indent the blocks under those with the same amount.

10How Do a Function Return Value?

A function can return value by using ‘return’ keyword.

11What Is the Need of Break and Continue in Python?

Both break and continue are the statements which is used to control the flow in Python loopBreak stops the current loop from further execution and then transfer it to the next blockContinue jumps it to the next loop without exhausting it.

12How Will You Convert a List into a String?

A list can be converted into a string by using the join ()method.

13Define A Dictionary in Python.

A dictionary in Python is not like the ones in other languages like C++ or Java programmingIt holds key value pairsIt is mutable and can use a comprehension to create it.

14What Is Docstring?

It is a documentation string that is used for the explanation about what does a construct doIt is placed as the first thing under a function, class or method to describe its workingA docstring is declared by using three sets of single or double quotes.

15How Would a String Convert into an Int in Python?

If the string contains only numerical characters then it can be converted into an integer by using the int() function.

These are some of the beneficial Interview Questions of Python.

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